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Aside World Magazine
Summer/Fall 2021 Issue 

Side Saddle Treasures

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Photo's above, below, and to the right are of a side saddle pipe.

Submitted by Jeannie Whited

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Photos to the left and below are of a side saddle lamp in Jen's collection.


Submitted by Jennifer Stevenson


Photo to Right is of a print in Jennifer Stevenson's side saddle collection featuring children with several donkeys tacked up aside. 



If you are a member and would like to share your side saddle treasures, please email information and pictures to

Side Saddle award of Shelly Liggett
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Champion prize from 2003 Side Saddle at the USET

Submitted by Shelly Liggett

Queen Elizabeth Side Saddle Jubilee coin necklace. Bought at Upperville Horse Show in Virginia. 

Submitted by Tammie Conway

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Photo Above of side saddle statue in Heidi Opdyke's collection.

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Photo Above of Tammie's new light weight ISSO jacket (bought earlier this year).

Photo by Tammie Conway


Photo to Left of Pat Blaire's favorite find on her cross country trip,  a framed 1902 original, embossed and bronzed Nebraska Girl cigar box label from the Saeger & Sons cigar factory in Fremont, Nebraska.


Photo Bottom Left of a blue, m.a. Hadley pony plate. 


Photo Bottom Right of a hand enameled ceramic plate and bowl with vintage hunt scene


Photos by Pat Blaire

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