Side Saddle Inspiration - ISSO Awards Program

The ISSO offers an extensive awards program to recognize the achievements and activities of our members. Categories range from the traditional Competitive Award (in events such as Hunter and English Pleasure) to the unique Non-Competitive Award for participating in events such as demonstrations and expo booths. We have an Aside Mileage Challenge that recognizes miles ridden aside on trail and elsewhere inside or outside the arena. Awards recognize 25, 50, 100, and 250 mile accomplishments.
ISSO hosts an awards banquet in late March - start planning to attend now!
(A complete list of the award categories is in the Complete Points Rules.)
To be eligible to earn points, you must first register yourself. All equines you ride are included in your $35 yearly membership. You must be a member in good standing to participate in the Awards Program.
After registration, the Points Secretary will contact you if more information is required.
Points accrue January 1st through December 31st of the year in which they are earned. Points and mileage submitted late or without correct documentation are not eligible. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact the Points Secretary for clarification.
Side Saddle is, by nature, an elegant and extravagant sport. Though our membership is diverse in its specific side saddle interests, many aspects of aside riding are pursued by our membership.
We hope all of our members will consider contributing to this page.
Competitive Mounted
Non-Competitive Mounted
Virtual Shows and Events
Additional Programs
Aside Mile Challenge